A Python library for working with time series data. It comes with common financial functions built-in.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
649 B

# from fincal.core import FincalOptions
from fincal.fincal import TimeSeries
data = [
("2022-01-01", 10),
("2022-01-02", 12),
("2022-01-03", 14),
("2022-01-04", 16),
("2022-01-06", 18),
("2022-01-07", 20),
("2022-01-09", 22),
("2022-01-10", 24),
("2022-01-11", 26),
("2022-01-13", 28),
("2022-01-14", 30),
("2022-01-15", 32),
("2022-01-16", 34),
ts = TimeSeries(data, frequency="D")
data = [("2022-01-01", 220), ("2022-01-08", 230), ("2022-01-15", 240)]
ts2 = TimeSeries(data, frequency="W")
synced_ts = ts.sync(ts2)
for i in synced_ts: