A Python library for working with time series data. It comes with common financial functions built-in.
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import datetime
import math
import random
import pytest
from fincal.exceptions import DateNotFoundError
from fincal.fincal import TimeSeries, create_date_series
from fincal.utils import FincalOptions
def create_prices(s0: float, mu: float, sigma: float, num_prices: int) -> list:
"""Generates a price following a geometric brownian motion process based on the input of the arguments:
- s0: Asset inital price.
- mu: Interest rate expressed annual terms.
- sigma: Volatility expressed annual terms.
- seed: seed for the random number generator
- num_prices: number of prices to generate
random.seed(1234) # WARNING! Changing the seed will cause most tests to fail
all_values = []
for _ in range(num_prices):
s0 *= math.exp(
(mu - 0.5 * sigma**2) * (1.0 / 365.0) + sigma * math.sqrt(1.0 / 365.0) * random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=1)
all_values.append(round(s0, 2))
return all_values
def create_data():
"""Creates TimeSeries data"""
dates = create_date_series("2017-01-01", "2020-10-31", "D", skip_weekends=True)
values = create_prices(1000, 0.1, 0.05, 1000)
ts = TimeSeries(dict(zip(dates, values)), frequency="D")
return ts
class TestReturns:
def test_returns_calc(self):
ts = create_data()
returns = ts.calculate_returns(
"2020-01-01", annual_compounded_returns=False, interval_type="years", interval_value=1
assert round(returns[1], 6) == 0.112913
returns = ts.calculate_returns(
"2020-04-01", annual_compounded_returns=False, interval_type="months", interval_value=3
assert round(returns[1], 6) == 0.015908
returns = ts.calculate_returns(
"2020-04-01", annual_compounded_returns=True, interval_type="months", interval_value=3
assert round(returns[1], 6) == 0.065167
returns = ts.calculate_returns(
"2020-04-01", annual_compounded_returns=False, interval_type="days", interval_value=90
assert round(returns[1], 6) == 0.017673
returns = ts.calculate_returns(
"2020-04-01", annual_compounded_returns=True, interval_type="days", interval_value=90
assert round(returns[1], 6) == 0.073632
with pytest.raises(DateNotFoundError):
ts.calculate_returns("2020-04-04", interval_type="days", interval_value=90, as_on_match="exact")
with pytest.raises(DateNotFoundError):
ts.calculate_returns("2020-04-04", interval_type="months", interval_value=3, prior_match="exact")
def test_date_formats(self):
ts = create_data()
FincalOptions.date_format = "%d-%m-%Y"
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ts.calculate_returns("2020-04-10", annual_compounded_returns=True, interval_type="days", interval_value=90)
returns1 = ts.calculate_returns("2020-04-01", interval_type="days", interval_value=90, date_format="%Y-%m-%d")
returns2 = ts.calculate_returns("01-04-2020", interval_type="days", interval_value=90)
assert round(returns1[1], 6) == round(returns2[1], 6) == 0.073632
FincalOptions.date_format = "%m-%d-%Y"
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ts.calculate_returns("2020-04-01", annual_compounded_returns=True, interval_type="days", interval_value=90)
returns1 = ts.calculate_returns("2020-04-01", interval_type="days", interval_value=90, date_format="%Y-%m-%d")
returns2 = ts.calculate_returns("04-01-2020", interval_type="days", interval_value=90)
assert round(returns1[1], 6) == round(returns2[1], 6) == 0.073632
def test_limits(self):
ts = create_data()
FincalOptions.date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
with pytest.raises(DateNotFoundError):
ts.calculate_returns("2020-11-25", interval_type="days", interval_value=90, closest_max_days=10)