A Python library for working with time series data. It comes with common financial functions built-in.
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from .core import *
from .pyfacts import *
from .statistics import *
from .utils import *
__author__ = "Gourav Kumar"
__email__ = "gouravkr@outlook.in"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
__doc__ = """
PyFacts stands for Python library for Financial analysis and computations on time series.
It is a library which makes it simple to work with time series data.
Most libraries, and languages like SQL, work with rows. Operations are performed by rows
and not by dates. For instance, to calculate 1-year rolling returns in SQL, you are forced
to use either a lag of 365/252 rows, leading to an approximation, or slow and cumbersome
joins. PyFacts solves this by allowing you to work with dates and time intervals. Hence,
to calculate 1-year returns, you will be specifying a lag of 1-year and the library will
do the grunt work of finding the most appropriate observations to calculate these returns on.
PyFacts aims to simplify things by allowing you to:
* Compare time-series data based on dates and time-period-based lag
* Easy way to work around missing dates by taking the closest data points
* Completing series with missing data points using forward fill and backward fill
* Use friendly dates everywhere written as a simple string