added preprocess fromto date, does not work properly yet

This commit is contained in:
Gourav Kumar 2022-07-24 08:47:12 +05:30
parent 583ca98e51
commit db8377f0ef

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@ -144,13 +144,43 @@ def _preprocess_match_options(as_on_match: str, prior_match: str, closest: str)
return as_on_delta, prior_delta
def _preprocess_from_to_date(
from_date: | str,
to_date: | str,
time_series: Mapping = None,
align_dates: bool = True,
return_period_unit: Literal["years", "months", "days"] = None,
return_period_value: int = None,
as_on_match: str = "closest",
prior_match: str = "closest",
closest: Literal["previous", "next", "exact"] = "previous",
) -> tuple:
as_on_match, prior_match = _preprocess_match_options(as_on_match, prior_match, closest)
if (from_date is None or to_date is None) and time_series is None:
raise ValueError("Provide either to_date and from_date or time_series data")
if time_series is not None and (return_period_unit is None or return_period_value is None):
raise ValueError("Provide return period for calculation of from_date")
if from_date is None:
expected_start_date = time_series.start_date + relativedelta(**{return_period_unit: return_period_value})
from_date = _find_closest_date(, expected_start_date, 999, as_on_match, "fail")[0]
if to_date is None:
to_date = time_series.end_date
return from_date, to_date
def _find_closest_date(
data: Mapping[datetime.datetime, float],
date: datetime.datetime,
limit_days: int,
delta: datetime.timedelta,
if_not_found: Literal["fail", "nan"],
) -> Tuple[datetime.datetime, float]:
"""Helper function to find data for the closest available date"""
if delta.days < 0 and date < min(data):